Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has partnered with Gerry Cardinale;s RedBird Capital to purchase the XFL for $15 million USD. The Rock’s ex-wife and business partner, Dany Garcia, will also be a partner in the revamped XFL.


“With my trail blazing partner @DanyGarciaCo & Red Bird Capital, we have acquired the XFL. With gratitude & passion I’ve built a career with my own two hands and will apply these callouses to our @xfl2020 brand. Excited to create something special for the fans!” – Dwayne Johnson via Twitter

“For The Love of Football For The Love of The Athletes For The Love of The Fans.” – Dany Garcia via Twitter

“My guy @TheRock , buys XFL out of bankruptcy for $15 million, cuts short planned auction. Vince McMahon had put more than $200 million of his own money into the venture before it sank. Congrats Dwayne!” – Mark Bland via Twitter

“Former WWE wrestler Dwayne Johnson buys XFL after WWE CEO and XFL co-founder Vince McMahon sees it crash and burn due in part to a global pandemic…this is a wrestling plot.” Jacob Oller via Twitter

“The Rock just spent a tenth of his cod budget on buying an entire sports league.” via Twitter